Dragons embellishing Leadenhall Market, EC3, by Horace Jones, 1880-1.

Dragons embellishing Leadenhall Market, EC3
by Horace Jones, 1880-1.
Detail from Gilbert Scott's Albert Memorial, Queensgate, SW7 - one of four marble groups representing the four corners of the British Empire (1872). This bull represents Europe.

Detail from Gilbert Scott's Albert Memorial, Queensgate, SW7
one of four marble groups representing the four corners of the British Empire (1872). This bull represents Europe.
Detail from Gilbert Scot's Albert Memorial, Queensgate, SW7 - one of four marble groups representing the four corners of the British Empire (1872). This camel - sculpted by William Theed the Younger symbolises Africa.

Detail from Gilbert Scott's Albert Memorial, Queensgate, SW7
one of four marble groups representing the four corners of the British Empire (1872). This camel - sculpted by William Theed the Younger, symbolises Africa.
Medieval gargoyle on the facade of Southwark Cathedral, SE1.

Medieval gargoyle on the facade of Southwark Cathedral, SE1.
Tomb of Tom Sayers, the pugilist (1826-1865), Highgate Cemetery, N6.

Tomb of Tom Sayers, the pugilist (1826-1865)
Highgate Cemetery, N6.
Painted roundel of dove and serpent on the gates of Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street, EC4, now owned by the inner Temple. The inscription means 'wise simplicity.'

Painted roundel of dove and serpent
on the gates of Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street, EC4, now owned by the inner Temple. The inscription means 'wise simplicity.'
Roundel of Pegasus decorating the iron gates of the Inner Temple EC4. This emblem, which forms the Inner Temple's coat of arms, may have been inspired by tiles in the Temple Church showing a Knight Templar on horseback with a raised sword and shield.

Roundel of Pegasus
decorating the iron gates of the Inner Temple EC4. This emblem, which forms the Inner Temple's coat of arms, may have been inspired by tiles in the Temple Church showing a Knight Templar on horseback with a raised sword and shield.
Lion and unicorn by Tim Crawley. Installed on the tower of Nicholas Hawksmoor's St George's Church, Bloomsbury, WC1, (1716-31), as part of the 2006 restoration programme to replace the long missing originals.

Lion and unicorn by Tim Crawley.
Installed on the tower of Nicholas Hawksmoor's St George's Church, Bloomsbury, WC1, (1716-31), as part of the 2006 restoration programme to replace the long missing originals.
Medieval statues of lion and dragon trying to scale the top of the parapet on Westminster Abbey.

Medieval statues of lion and dragon
trying to scale the top of the parapet on Westminster Abbey.
Chinese dragon sculpture bordering Limehouse, E14.

Chinese dragon sculpture
bordering Limehouse, E14.